- Clear One Area at a Time

- Shed a Piece of Furniture
Probably you have some furniture in your house that you do not need but you still keep it because you have it. Eliminating a single piece of furniture can free up a lot of space that could be used for something that serves a particular purpose. If your kitchen, dining, or living room feels tightly packed with furniture, consider getting rid of your least-favorite piece by selling it or donating to charity. If you are having trouble selling the piece of furniture, try to lower the price or choose a different method such as selling to home improvement stores or place an ad on different e-commerce platforms.
- Find a Place for Every Item You Are Keeping
If you have a pair of scissors, you do not have to purchase another pair just because you cannot remember where you placed the other one. Such small but useful items can make you feel frustrated when you purchase an extra pair only to find the old one when you least expect it. Storing like-items together not only saves you time and money but also ensures everything is organized. That being said, it is also important to return the items exactly where you chose to keep them after every use. This can leave you with a clean and tidy space free of clutter, where items can always be found when needed.
- Manage Your Paper Trail
If you do not have a container to store all your mail, bills, and other paperwork, you are likely to end up with so many piles of papers lying around your house. Take some time to sort your paperwork and clip them in different categories to make them easier to find. Get rid of any papers that do not have useful information that can help with your future. Consider keeping any paperwork that may be needed in the future or for evidence purposes such as bills, invoices, receipts, and warranty documents.
- Teach Your Kids Where Things Belong
If you have children in the house, start teaching them early on where different items should be kept after they have been used. You may find it difficult to keep your house clean and tidy if you do not instill some discipline into your kids. Since they cannot learn the habit overnight, it is important to be patient and keep teaching them until they get it right. Most importantly, try to set an example for your kids by getting into the habit yourself.
- Commit Fully to a Decluttering Routine
Decluttering your house should not only be a once-in-a-lifetime task that is only done when you feel the need to. Try as much as possible to make it a habit by getting rid of unnecessary items that you come across when cleaning your home. Before you mop the floor, organize your shelves, and separate your items into what is useful and what is not needed. This ensures your home is always clean, tidy, and free from clutter.
Once you have decluttered a particular area in your home, take the time to enjoy that look and make it your standard. Always strive to minimize clutter at all times and only add items that are needed or regularly used in your day-to-day activities. Encourage your children and other family members to do the same so that you can all live in a clean and clutter-free home environment.