What is Demolition?
Demolition is destructive in nature. It entails dismantling and bringing down a certain structure or building. This includes any other inclusive parts of the aforementioned.

What is the Correlation between Demolition and Construction?
From the outset, construction has a huge bearing on how demolition will be performed. This is because the initial plans and design layouts from the construction stage are employed as a crucial and vital template in the demolition process. Any modifications and alterations to the construction designs could be very pivotal and seemingly fatal in the demolition of the company involved is not cognizant of the same. This includes any other frailties pertaining to the materials employed in the construction project. The nexus is therefore clear to see as both demolition and construction bear a huge connection. The semblance and reliance on each other is clearly manifest.
Regulatory Requirements and Compliance
This is quite different from one state to another. In some states, the demolition can only be termed as construction if it involves the destruction of more than 100 square feet. This necessitates the obtaining of the requisite permits that are so fundamental before undertaking any demolition projects to avoid any flagrant breaches of the law. Suffice to say, a demolition project can only be deemed as construction in these distinct states if the floor space in context is around 100 square feet and above. It is important to stress that this measurement varies from state to state and it can sometimes be a major factor in the determination of whether demolition is actually construction and whether any permits will be required including compliance with certain laws that should not be derogated from. This avoids legal issues while providing a proper distinction about whether a demolition projection is to be classified a construction.
Other Factors
This includes whether the demolition is to be regarded as developmental in case the project is to advance into a subsequent construction stage or whether the demolition is being performed so that a new and very different project can be carried out. The two are usually lumped together but the subtle differences can make all the difference while answering this question. This is significant because a person well qualified for construction is not also qualified for demolition thus making this distinction all the way important. Demolition implies that all other activities have to come to a halt, which is not the case in construction where things run concurrently. Some experts opine that drawings are not crucial in demolition but this has changed in recent times in a bid to make the process flawless. However, this can be impeded in the instances of old buildings where plans are drawings got lost.
Demolition is therefore not construction by definition. There are certain similarities and variations. This includes other factors, which are considered to determine whether demolition can be termed as construction. This has been clearly illustrated above. These factors and variables determine whether demolition can be considered construction as depicted in the foregoing. This is also dependent on the state. Therefore, the most fitting conclusion is that demolition cannot be categorically considered as construction by definition. However, the correlation can be too glaring hence leading to that inference predicated on all the aforementioned factors such as the size of the floor space being destroyed, whether hazardous materials are involved, and the need to abide by local or state regulatory requirements based on the size of the demolition project. In conclusion, even as much as they are similar in some aspects, both are radically different and someone qualified to do one is rarely qualified to do the other.