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Which Dumpster Size is Appropriate for Backyard Cleaning?

Selecting the right dumpster size is critical when it comes to renting a container. You do not want to choose one that is too small, as it will not handle all the trash, and you want to avoid choosing a dumpster that is too large since some of the space will go wasted. Wasted space means wasted money and you would not want to incur this kind of expense. This article discusses the best dumpster size for backyard cleaning depending on how large or small your cleanout project is.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Dumpster Size

  • Type of Debris

Some materials can only be tossed into specific dumpster sizes and could attract additional fees if they are thrown in the wrong dumpster.

roll-off dumpster filled with building rubble

Backyard cleaning could involve different types of debris such as construction debris or household junk. A dumpster rental company can help you select special bins for heavy materials like concrete and dirt.

  • Total Trash Volume

Most dumpster sizes are often measured in yards. A general rule of thumb is that one cubic yard is equivalent to 5 or 6 13-gallon trash bags. A good dumpster rental company reviews the dimensions and total volumes of each dumpster to help you decide what will work best for your backyard waste disposal. Estimating the amount of junk that you will be tossing away helps determine the container size that will accommodate your debris.

  • Delivery Location

Choosing a dumpster without giving thought to the delivery location can put you in a big dilemma once the container arrives. Although a dumpster rental company may try its best to deliver to tight areas, there are times when you may need a smaller container that fits in your driveway or backyard. You can always ask the rental company for swap-out services if you have limited space on your property.

Dumpster Sizes for Small Projects

  • 10-Yard Dumpsters

Small backyard cleanout projects can be a little more complicated, that is why most dumpster rentals offer a 10-yard dumpster as their smallest size. It is an ideal size for people cleaning out a small basement or garage. This size will be sufficient for homeowners who are throwing out furniture, exercise equipment, bikes, etc. You can also use a 10-yard dumpster for bathroom and small kitchen remodels, or outdoor projects like yard debris, driveway tear-outs, dirt removal, and more. Backyard deck removals of about 250 to 300 sq. ft. will require a 10-yard dumpster.

  • 20-Yard Dumpsters

The reason why homeowners would go for a 20-yard dumpster is that it is small enough to fit in a driveway but large enough to handle bigger demolition jobs for residential use. This dumpster can be useful for backyard cleaning when it comes to large landscaping projects, demolition jobs, or building a home. Most homeowners use this size for basement clean-outs, attic, and large garage cleanouts. This size is also ideal for carpet and floor removal, and large kitchen and bathroom remodels. A 20-yard container will be the best size for you whether you want it for commercial or residential use.

Dumpster Sizes for Large Projects

  • 30-Yard Dumpster

30-yard dumpsters are a great choice for massive projects and can be used in both commercial and residential settings. Some of the areas where a 30-yard dumpster may come in handy include landscaping large areas, major home additions, commercial roof tear-offs, and many more. It could also be ideal for your waste disposal needs if you are replacing the siding or windows of a small to medium-sized home. It gives you more than enough space to work with so you do not have to worry about overflowing.

  • 40-Yard Dumpster

If a 30-yard dumpster was not enough for you, then you will not have a problem fitting everything in this mega-size container. A 40-yard is probably one of the largest container sizes offered by dumpster rental companies. It is most appropriate for homeowners who need to dispose of all if not most of the contents. It could also be ideal for those who are considering flipping a home. A 40-yard dumpster could also accommodate large projects like renovating an entire home or removing clutter from a large piece of land before a sale.

If you have gone through these dumpster sizes and you are still not sure the best one for you, you should consider making a phone call to your nearest dumpster rental company. Before calling, it is important to have a list of the heaviest or largest items you intend to dispose of. Not only does it makes it easier on your end but also allows the rental company to select the right dumpster size for your waste management needs.