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What Fits in a 10-Yard Dumpster?

If you are looking to declutter your house or handling a small cleanup, you may need to rent a dumpster. A 10-yard dumpster may be good to get the job done. This is because it is not very huge or too small, meaning that it can be a good fit for hauling your specific waste. One question you may have in mind is what fits in a 10-yard dumpster? Understanding this can help you know whether this dumpster is right for the kind of waste you want to haul way.

How big is a 10-Yard Dumpster?

A 10-yard dumpster simply means 10 cubic yards. Therefore, the dumpster can have different dimensions like 14ft long, 7.5ft wide and 3.5ft tall but the volume is always 10 cubic yards. A 10-yard dumpster can comfortably handle 50-80 33-gallon trash bags. The average weight limit is between one and two tons. However, this dumpster can handle about 10 tons if you are dealing with heavy debris like dirt and concrete.

dumpster filled with construction materials

10-Yard Dumpster Dimensions and Capacities

As previously stated, unlike other dumpsters with bigger capacities, 10-yard dumpster come in a wide array of sizes and shapes. This can be roll-offs, front-load, commercial, and lowboy dumpsters. Let us have a look at these different types in detail.

  • Roll-Off Dumpsters

Roll-offs are the most common dumpsters and they measure 12ft by 8ft by 4ft. Roll-off dumpsters can be distinguished from others because their shape is rectangular and they have open tops. This is quite different from other dumpsters that have cubic sizes. These dumpsters also have wheels, which enable easier movement.

  • Lowboys

Lowboys make it easy to load heavy debris because they have shorter sides, which help with this. Due to this, lowboys are good for loading heavy roofing shingles or dirt. These dumpsters sit low to the ground compared to normal roll-off dumpsters. Although there is no industry standard size for roll-off dumpsters, lowboys have sidewalls that come at half the height of average roll-offs.

  • Front-Load Dumpsters

Front-load dumpsters are quite common for waste management and are normally used in schools, restaurants, apartment complexes, stores, hotels, and other businesses. It is normally used for commercial purposes because a 10-yard front-load dumpster should be able to handle about three pickup trucks of waste. It can even be combined with a self-contained compactor to ensure a full waste solution.

  • Commercial Dumpsters

Similar to front-load dumpsters, commercial dumpsters are also quite common in commercial-type spaces. Businesses do need a proper method to remove waste from their premises. Due to their mobility and size, commercial dumpsters offer a safe and convenient method to discard debris before reaching a landfill. A 10-yard commercial dumpster is ideal for use by both small and medium-sized businesses.

A 10-yard dumpster can be used to haul away materials like drywall, clutter, yard waste, and many more. Other things like mattresses, appliances are also accepted but depending on your hauling company, you may need to pay extra for this. The reasoning behind this is that such materials require longer processing times, making their disposal more expensive. For safety reasons, some dumpster rental companies may prohibit items like paint, oil, and other hazardous waste.

Other Things to Know About Renting a 10-Yard Dumpster

Apart from what fits in a 10-yard dumpster, one other thing you may want to know is the number of days you can rent it for. Normally, a rental company will rent a 10-yard dumpster for 7-10 days. However, this time can be shorter depending on the specific location. For instance, some companies do 3-5 days for short-term projects. Despite this, you can always organize with your rental company if you are handling a long-term project.

Something else you should know before renting a 10-yard dumpster is that your driveway should be able to accommodate it. This means that it should be more than 60 feet long. Before the dumpster is brought to your driveway, be sure to create space by for instance moving your car to the street.

A 10-yard dumpster comes in handy when dealing with small to medium-size cleanup projects that entail roofing, remodeling, spring cleaning, and many more. If you have such a small project, ordering a 10-yard dumpster from a hauling company could be the best idea for you. However, it is good to know that some dumpster rental companies do not allow for some other types of wastes. Therefore, you should first consult about the acceptable waste before renting the dumpster.